Posted by BBBJ
Posted on February 15, 2021
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List of Abbreviations & Acronyms Used in SG
AAJ: Anal Job/Jam (penetration of the arsehole)
Analingus: Ass eating/rimming (To lick & suck another's anus)
AR: Arse/Anal Rimming (to lick someone else ass)
ASP: A Sexual Position
ASP: Adult Service Provider (someone who provides adult services for pay)
ATF: All Time Favourite (referring to the Client or Provider)
Autoroam: Hands touching/Fondling of the body
AV: Adult Video (porno films)
AV/AVS: Anti-Vice Squad (the section of our men-in-blue that regulates vice activities)
BB: Bukkake Blowjob (a facial Cum-Shower)
BBBJ: Bare Back Blow Job (A blowjob without a condom)
BBBJTC: Bare Back Blow Job To Completion (oral sex to orgasm)
BBBJTCWS: Bare Back Blow Job To Completion With Swallowing
BBW: Big Beautiful/Breasted Woman
BCD: Behind Closed Doors
BDSM: Bondage, Domination, Sadism, Masochism (basically your whips & chains stuff)
BF: Boy Friend
BJ: Blow Job (sucking of penis, usually means it's done with a condom)
BM: Bitch-Master (pimp)
BM: Body Massage/Breast Massage
Boomz: “Something...you know...that personifies and shouts "ME" and is it all about "ME" (Ris Low, almost Ms Singapore World 2009)
BS: Bull Shit
BT: Big Tits
BT: Boy Toy
BTBM/B2BM: Body To Body Massage
Bukkake: facial cum shower
CBJ : Covered Blow Job (oral sex with a condom)
CD: Condom
CFM: Come Fuck Me (referring to girls with seductive looks)
CFS: Covered Full Service (Safe-Sex with a condom)
CIM: Come-In-Mouth (ejaculation of sperm into the mouth)
CMI: Cannot Make It
CO: Commanding Officer (refers to your mum for single man, wife for married man)
COB: Cum-On-Breasts (ejaculation of sperm onto breasts)
COF: Come-On-Face (ejaculation of sperm onto face)
Cowgirl: Girl-on-top sex position
Cum: semen
Cunt: Vagina
CV: Changi Village (north-eastern end of Singapore)
DATY: Dining-At-The-Y ("eating" a female out, with her legs spread - she is in the shape of a Y)
Deep Throat: A woman swallows the entire penis
DFM: Do For Me
Doggy Style: Sex position where man fucks woman/man from behind
DWM: Do With Me or Driving While Masturbating
EPL: Excellent Pussy Licker
FB: Fuck Buddy (a person with whom one is having casual sex with on a regular basis, but are not involved in a romantic relationship)
FF: Free Fuck
Fisting: The act of inserting one fist (and forearm) into a girls vagina
FJ: Foot Job (a foot job is when one gives masturbation to another with their feet)
FJ: Fuck/Full Job
FL: Freelancer (working lady not associated with any establishment or agent)
Flashing: Exposing body parts from under clothing to unsuspecting viewers/people
FMF: Female-Male-Female
FNS: Fish-Net Stockings
FR: Field Report
Gangbang: One or more women having sex with three or more men
GF: Girl Friend.
GFE: Girlfriend Experience (usually associated with lots of french-kissing and girlfriend-like attitude)
GL: Geylang (Singapore's 'legal' red light district)
GND: Girl Next Door (a guy slang for a cute, sweet, innocent, young looking female)
GS: Golden Shower (urination on partner - female usually pees on male)
Happy Ending: Cumming/Ejaculation (HJ relief at the end of a massage or any type of sexual activity)
HC: Health Centre (massage parlours, where one can usually get more than a massage)
HJ: Hand Job (a stroking of the cock with the hand)
IMHO: In My Humble Opinion
IMO: In My Opinion
JG: Jua Gen (massage of the veins and tracts around the groin area - which may or may not end in a HJ (most do), also see section on Terminology below
Jizz: Another name for semen/cum/sperm
JJ: Jua Jin
KC: Kam Cheng
KJ: Karaoke Jockey
KNN: Kan-Nin-Nia (Hokkien dialect expletive)
KP: Kay-Po (busybody in dialect - Hokkien)
KPKB: Kao-Pei-Kao-Bu (literally means cry father cry mother in Hokkien dialect, used to describe a person who makes hell of noise when angry)
KS: Keong Saik (another of Singapore's red light district - a one-way road located in Chinatown within the Outram Planning Area)
KTV: Karaoke TV (a karaoke joint, usually with ladies to accompany the customer)
KY: Brand name for genital lubricant/gel
LB: LadyBoy
LBFM: Little Brown Fucking Machine (Filipinas)
LOS: Land of Smiles (Thailand)
LOS: Lots of Smiles/Laughing Out Softly
MC: Monster Cock
MFM: Male-Female-Male
MILF: Mum I'd Like to Fuck (attractive/older/hot women with whom you wanna...)
Missionary position: Refers to the sex position where the man lays on top of the woman
MM: Mei Mei (young girl)
MP: Massage Parlour
MTW/M2W: Mild-To-Wild
NB: Na-Bey (Hokkien dialect expletive)
NBSTL: Neh-Bo-Simi-T0a-Liap (Small Breast)
NMNHNLM: No-Money-No-Honey-Nobody-Loves-Me
NNKC: Neh-Neh-Kor-Chee (Hokkien expletive)
NPNT: No Picture No Talk/No Proof No Talk
NQNS: Non Quitter Non Spitter (the provider term for guys who just never gets there or possibly refers to the provider who swallows CIM)
OC: Officer in Command (refers to your gf/mistress/spouse/etc)
OKT: Orh-Kui-Tao (hokkien slang meaning pimp/agent)
OL: Office Lady
ONS: One night stand
OSF: Old Sexy Fe
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